Time For March Musicals Madness
Do you love following a good bracket as long as it isn’t for sports ball? I may have something for you…March Musicals Madness!
I was thinking about my love of musicals when I saw something come across for March Madness. And it hit me, let’s do one for musicals.
Years back, a friend from work and I had fun following brackets for movies. So why not do something similar and different in my wheel house, right?
As I was trying to come up with details, I went back and forth on lots of items. Should it be split it up by categories for each “conference”? Should we pit classic vs modern? Or maybe add categories for movies and jukebox?
It has been said I can’t make a decision to save my life sometimes. I was at an impasse.
Ultimately, I decided against it. I had a lot of shows to put in, but, categorizing them evenly was going to be a nightmare.
Plus, I knew I wanted to work on this with my musical buddy and BFF, Pam, so I enlisted her help.
Picking the Shows
Initially, I thought to use just shows I had seen. But there are so many popular or important shows in musical theater that I havent seen that I felt should be represented.
At the end of the day I wanted to present brackets for everyone to play. It isn’t so much about my experience as everyone’s.
The idea was to do 32 shows, but as we started pairing, As we tried to do matchups, we had way more shows we wanted to include. There were too many that we just didnt want toncut so we got it to 64.

Brackets, huh?
So how does it work you ask? Well, basically there are 64 teams (musicals) placed on either side of a bracket. Each show goes head to head with another. round after round until there is one Broadway show standing.
For this particular set of brackets, we are considering the musical theater production rather than the movie. Although there may be an amazing movie version you have seen, it may not be as good on stage. For example, I absolutely LOVE Grease and West Side Story as musical movies I grew up to. The stage versions, however, may be a bit lackluster in my opinion. So depending on the show it is up against, I may not choose that show as better.
Our March Musicals Madness
I am going to post the the 64 shows March 12. There will 32 matches for you to vote on based on what you think is better.
I plan to set up a blog post and the bracket standings on my social media pages for each round on the dates listed in the schedule below.
Each round I will allow voting for a few days until 7pm EST on the vote ending date. Then I will post which shows made it to the next round and set the new bracket to vote from.
The intital round will last longer because there are so many more choices to make that are broken up into 4 sections.
After each round is posted, it is time to make your picks. You vote by commenting on its respective photos/post, emailing them or sending a private message.
I would love to get as many people to vote as possible to get the beat results, so please feel free to share with your friends.
You do not have to vote in all rounds in order to play. You can participate on any round at any time during the voting periods for your vote to count.
This is just for fun! Because I love to guess the outcome, I will be making my own full bracket and see how my choices compare to the group.

First Round
Time for ROUND ONE! What will you choose?

Now it is time to have fun with our twist on this sports month fave!
Julia Boxler
I stopped even noting when they are hard match ups cause they are all well paired!
Music man (that was really hard)
Beauty and the beast
Jesus Christ superstar
South Pacific (hard!!)
Tina (just cause the Donna summers one sucked)
Les Mis
Fiddler on the room
Kinky boots
Les cage aux folles
West side story
Book of Mormon
Dear Evan Hansen
Sweeney Todd
In the heights
Mamma Mia
Jersey boys
The producers
Come from away
Adrienne Foxx
Awesome! thank you! Our picks align pretty closely. 😉