Celebrate,  Fabulous 40,  Self

“Theming In” Your New Birth Year

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New Years eve isn’t the only time you can “Ring in the New Year”! Why not do it for your birthday? And I am not talking about how you celebrate your birthday. Although, not going to lie, champagne, party spinners, gold, black and silver decorations and the swankiest food sounds pretty fabulous! But I digress. I am referring to how you APPROACH this #yearofforty for its duration. (Or any birth year for that matter).

Just before New Year’s we make resolutions and set goals for the year. Why not just apply that concept to your celebration of another year of life. But snazz it up a bit. I mean this is our 40th after all. And your birthday is like the most important day of the year, right? It celebrates YOU and having one more set of 365 days of, well, You-ness!! So we need something a little….Extra! Lol

How do we take the concept of resolutions one step further you ask?

Well, I remember when I was trying to make my resolutions, all the rage was to use a word or theme to define your 2019. Every time I turned around someone was posting their ‘Word of the Year’ in my Facebook feed. I didn’t not do this but I did consider it.

I can totally get behind a theme or power word to represent my 40th year of life! It’s perfect really! It gives a little more pizzazz than just making resolutions. Something special for a special time.

Theme What?

The whole point of this blog is try to find ways to make the rest of your life the best of your life. So the idea of a theme fits perfectly fits into the purpose. Now to pick a theme/word.

Since this year is a big birthday in which I want to make a commitment to living my best life, I have already been contemplating how to make my life better. I want to feel like I am living and not just letting time pass me by. Based on all of the above, I have chosen the word ♡~♡~INTENTIONAL~♡~♡ I will devote the year to my theme intentional living.

What does this mean for me? It means I will commit to making plans with the intent to see the people that I want to and do the things I have talked about doing. For example, I have been wanting to go see a Broadway show in the Big Apple therefore I am currently planning a trip with my besties in October. I want to do more things as a family so I have been working on making a plan to do a family activity every weekend or every other weekend. This will develop over time.

Other Ideas For You

Now think about what you would like to accomplish this next year, a word that you want to use to define what this next year of life will represent. Have you thought of it yet?

Maybe you want to get your financials in order. You could have the theme, Financial freedom. Talk to a financial planner, check the resources from your work that can to help get you set for when you retire. You could make small monthly, weekly or daily plans.
Or maybe you want to get fit this year and take on your health demons. You could make your theme feeling Fabulous.

A few other words: Simplify, Service Gratitude, Joy, Present
Whatever you choose, there are tons of wonderful resources online, in print or local that can help you live your theme and accomplish your goals no matter what the theme. Some specific awesome online resources are podcasts, vlogs, books, blogs, articles which can offer tips and so much more.

Alright now that I have given a couple examples, let’s try this exercise.

  1. Set aside some time to reflect a little about your life and the direction you want it to go in.
  2. Consider how you want to enhance it. What would make you happy? What could you focus on? Make a list.
  3. Now look over that list and either grab a few like items or one or hell all of them and come up with the most kick ass word or set of words that gets ya pumped. Something that speaks to you.
  4. Then splash that word everywhere and anywhere. Keep saying it over and over. And come up with a list of things that you can do to make your year live and breathe that theme!

Tell me in the comments what you have chosen. Feel free to share what you can do to bring your theme to life. Let’s help each other be accountable.


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