The Ultimate Gift Guide for the Musical Theater Fan
The ultimate gift guide for the musical theater fan is packed with awesome gifts for that Broadway junkie in your life. I am going to try to break them up into categories the best that I can. Theater A trip to see a Broadway show….On Broadway! Nothing would make a musical theater geek happier than to see an incredible show in the heart of it all, New York City! This may take a lot of planning but it is by far the best gift! Season tickets to your local theater. Most theater districts have some sort of season tickets which locks you in to about 5-7 shows at a discounted…
Review: My Ramblings On the Musical The Prom
Are you wondering about the Broadway tour of the musical The Prom? I am ready to provide you my review in these ramblings of our musical bestie night! But first I have to say…..Oh what a glorious day! I was finally able to get back to the theater and enjoy my favorite past time, musical theater! We’re Back!! In all of the excitement about the return to the theater, we got all decked out! I found one of my nicest, warm dresses that I have been dying to have an excuse to wear. I even put on some jewelry for the occasion just to feel fancy. What a rush entering…
5 Amazing Hispanic Countries To Explore
There are so many amazing Hispanic countries to explore and enjoy on your next incredible vacation. We will take a closer look at my top five in this post. What is Hispanic exactly? Before I dive in, I want to look at the what Hispanic is. Many terms are incorrectly and interchangeably used and often cause confusion. For reference, I have looked up the Definition of Hispanic at https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Hispanic. Definition of Hispanic: of, relating to, or being a person of Latin American descent and especially of Cuban, Mexican, or Puerto Rican origin living in the U.S. of or relating to the people, speech, or culture of Spain Based on the definition,…
23 Family-Friendly Movies To Watch This Halloween
Ah…Halloween…what a wonderful season to watch some family-friendly movies. With the weather getting colder and the days getting shorter, its perfect for snuggling up with your fave blanket and getting comfy! Starting October 1, we only watch Family-Friendly spooky movies until Halloween. It has been the house tradition for years. And boy has our collection grown over the years as we searched for movies that wouldn’t be too much for them. I need to preface this whole post by saying my kids are big time scaredy-cats. They scare very easily so finding something they both would be able to handle without too many sleepness nights has not always been easy.…
The Foxxy5: 5 Spooky Games You Need To Play
With so many fun games out there to choose from, let’s focus on 5 Spooky games you need to play at your next spooktacular game night! I love a good game night and themes are always a bonus. It is a great way to narrow down some options. Plus, if you are really ambitious, you can build your menu and decorations around it, especially when considering spooky games! What is The Foxxy5? I started to compile lists on my favorite topics that may be of interest. Depending on the category, I may put together a longer list or link to relevant info. Generally, you will find 5 of my top…
Movies to Watch During Hispanic Heritage Month
What movies can you name that celebrate or portray Hispanic culture or people? Considering that Latin people have been part of American history for as long as it has been around, the list is disappointingly low. But no te preculpes (don’t worry), keep reading and I will provide several movies to watch during Hispanic Heritage Month and beyond. Maybe it celebrates the artist, or the culture or the people. Some of these movies check off several boxes. If you would like to learn more about these movies, the title will take you to the IMDB.com page. Representation I have always taken a ton of pride in my heirtage on both…
16 Exciting Ways to Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month
As a woman who is very proud of her heritage, I am finding myself so exited to jump into this hispanic heritage month and celebrate! It is kind of wild that prior to becoming involved in my workplace diversity, I really never heard much about Hispanic Heritage Month. Maybe I had heard about it but I was just not awake enough to pay attention. Or perhaps, now that the needle has been moved and there is so much more awareness out there, it is just a higher priority of conversation. Either way, I am here for it and all in! I highly recommend committing some of your time in engaging…
What You Need To Know About Broadway Reopening
Overture, Curtains, Lights...is almost time for the night of nights! Come September 2, the lights of Broadway will go on once again! When the curtains rise for the first time since the pandemic shutdown, we will see the release of some of the very best shows with some of the brightest stars! Read on for a comprehensive list of musicals. Impact This is such an amazing win for the tens of thousands of people in New York City and elsewhere that have been struggling since Covid struck our communities and completely shut down Broadway on March 12, 2020. Often times we only think about the actors as part of the show…
Family Fun Time at the Dino Safari
Do you have any little (or big) dinosaur lovers in the family? Now you can take part in one at Dino Safari, currently in a few cities around the USA. Who doesn’t want to go on an expedition to observe dinosaurs in their “natural” habitat? My kids recently binge-watched Camp Crustaceus on Netflix and loved the show. So when I first saw there was a dinosaur event coming to the area, I knew we wanted to check it out. After poking around the website, I discovered this is a self-paced drive-thru experience with over 40 animotronics that you see and learn about many different dinosaurs. This seemed right up our…
Make Your Summer Amazing With A Fun Bucket List
Are you a list person? If you answered yes, I am going to tell you about how we are maximizing our summer fun with some helpful lists! The summer of 2020 was less than stellar. We really didn’t do much of anything: no parties, no pools, no vacations, no real…experiencing life. This summer feels different though, and in a good way. The excitement and anticipation for what will come is higher than usual. And boy am I here for all the summer lovin’! After a year and a half of meh, I have a much stronger desire to make this summer the best yet for us all. I am making…