My Ramblings on Come From Away
Come From Away is one of the smartest shows I have ever seen! I absolutely loved it and cannot wait to tell you why!
It is not very often that I am impressed by the originality of a show and how it was written and produced. But Come From Away has become an exception. So let’s talk about this musical!
The Story….
Let me start by saying that when watching a musical I prefer to keep my knowledge of what it is about to a minumum otherwise I am disappointed. Going into Come from Away here is what I thought I knew:
The show is about the interaction between a small town and people that were diverted to the town during the 9/11 terror attacks. Surprisingly this was pretty accurate but it was SO MUCH MORE. I could not have been prepared for how intelligently this show was told.
As the show starts with a pretty fantastic opening number it is unclear as to what direction it is going in since it focuses on the happenings in the town of Gander, Newfoundland on 9/11.
We watch as they learn of the attacks on 9/11. Then we see their reactions upon discovering that 38 planes carrying approximately 7,000 passengers will be rerouted to their airport almost doubling the population of Gander. The town pulls together to find ways to help the strangers once they can finally get off the planes.
Then the passengers are introduced in a witty song, 28 Hours, where we start to learn their stories, their fears, and the fact that they were on the planes for up to 28 hours without being told what was going on. Most horrifying to me is that the passengers don’t learn of the attacks and why their plan has landed in its entirety until after they were blindly transported to somewhere to stay.
The show focuses on a few people’s stories during this time of tragedy. We get a peak into how differently everyone responds and what transpires over those days.
We watch as some relationships bloom and some start to fall apart. Some people reflect on what and who is important. Some people see this as an opportunity to be who they are. While others stay locked up and let fear take over. And when called upon, some become heroes.
I appreciate that they gave some closure at the end of the show as well. One thing that drives me batty, even though it is often necessary, is when I don’t know what happened to the characters that I have come to care about. But the shows wraps it up nicely.
I want to make mention that there is no intermission but it is hardly noticeable as the show still lasts less than a movie now a days. Just know to get your bathroom and snacks on prior to the show.
So what was so smart about this show?
One of the most clever parts of the show is the use of the same 12 actors to represent all the characters on both sides. At first I was like, “Wait, wha?!??!?! I have to try to keep up with who is who and there are only 12 people???”
I wasn’t digging it but surprisingly I was quickly able to identify the different characters and easily able to follow the flow of the show. I think it added to the quality in the end.
Another smart aspect of the show was the well placed humor throughout. It was enough to keep the show from being dark and depressing but not too much as to make light of the travesty that occurred nor be in poor taste.
The content in general is heavy but the show did a phenomenal job of balancing it by bringing in a lighter element. Much of this was done by using the culture of the town folk. Don’t get me wrong I still cried throughout the show but I didn’t stay in a place of sadness.
Something the show highlights very well is the diversity of the passengers on the plane. T struck the biggest chord with me.
These were not just Americans but rather people from different parts of the world, of varying ethnicities, races and religions. It makes you think about how ANYONE could have been a victim to this terrible act. Anyone flying or on the ground that day was at risk. It makes you realize how far the threat went and how it impacted people on such a global level. The song Prayer exemplifies this and, for me, was the most moving song in the show most likely for this reason. It definitely elicited tears and goose bumps.
Ultimately it is a feel-good story what people can become in the darkest of hours.
The entire show was just incredibly well-delivered storytelling to powerful music. There were facts and times intertwined into the show but done in such a brilliant way; you don’t even realize you are being narrated to. I was at the edge of seat wanting more. I was taken through a barrage of emotion – crying at some of the more serious moments and laugh at other. I really felt like I was part of the story.
Look I’m no professional theater person I just really enjoy musical theater so my two cents are what they. I would love to hear yours in the comments
