Celebrate,  Fabulous 40,  Self

Let The Celebrating Begin

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Let’s discuss how I will be spending it!

This is go time! Birthday week has commenced. In just 4 days I will be the Big 4-0 and I am going to celebrate all week long!

When I was younger I had the absolute best birthdays! My mom always made them special. And having a summer birthday made it even better. Up until about my 30th birthday, I would celebrate all week anyway that I could – sleepovers, parties, Indians games, dinner show, night at the bar with friends and family.

As I have grown older honoring the day of my birth has become a little lack luster. Although I normally take vacation the week of my birthday, try to have spa service and have ice cream cake at the house with my kids and hubby, it just is not the same. I realize that as I get older, birthdays are not quite the same. But I want to know why can’t it be??

Due to our trip to Disney, I was not able to take my birthday week off of work this year. However, I still took a few days and I completely plan on still living it up all week and making every day count.

Birthday Week Plans

I snagged my list of Ways To Celebrate to determine how I want to spend THIS week and make it count. Here is what I came up with that Inwill be able to implement:

* Take advantage of a Free Food – Tons of places offer a deal or freebie for your birthday. My fave is Red Robin. When you are part of thier loyalty program, you get a FREE burger during your birthday month! This is a favorite lunch spot for me and my work friends.

*Musical with my Bestie! This is one of my favorite things to do. Enjoying a one of my favorite types of shows in the Broadway series with one of my absolute favorite people in the world. I highly recommend a show of some sort. Like a comedy or concert if that is your jam.

*Day Trip to see an old friend! I am going to drive out to see one of my dearest friends from for a short road trip to Columbus. While I am there, I will stop by my college Alma Mata. What a great way to reminsice about the times of yore!

*Day of Faves! My fave people (husband and kids) will have my fave food for dinner (Italian) and eat my favorite type of birthday cake (ice cream). You have to take advantage of your faves whenever you can. Your birthday is the best excuse. 😘

*Spa Day with my sister. I didn’t start treating myself to haircuts, massages, manicures or perdicures until the last decade. What was I thinking?!?! A girl needs to give herself a little pampering from time to time.

*Shopping Spree to buy something special to wear for the big day or at my party in a few weeks. I will scan my emails and see which of my fave stores have sent a birthday deal and take advantage of one or more them.

*Reflect. I will set aside some time to myself to look back on my life. It is important to recognize your accomplishments and failures and remember your experiences. Especially how they affected you.

*Be Flexible! You never know what will come up that will be amazing to take advantage of. Although it is nice to have a plan, I don’t want to be so caught up with it that I miss out on life in other ways.

So for now this is what birthday week will look like. I cant wait to share these experiences and days with you!

Let’s hear in the comments what your favorite way to celebrate your birthday is.

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