Celebrating Your Fabulous 40!
All right so now that we have chosen our Theme for the YEAR of 40, let’s move on to how the heck are we going to celebrate it?! If you do not have a theme for the year, check out this post.
First I think we should acknowledge that there are different schools of thought about making the plunge into 40’s. This is important because it will help determine the best way to spend your birthday so lets talk about these mindsets of celebrating.
Everyone fits into one of these categories:
**There is the “We don’t talk about it” person. I don’t want to be 40, don’t want to think about 40, don’t certainly do NOT want anyone to know I am 40. And if you make a big deal about me turning 40, I will eat you for breakfast. Well that just is not the way of living. If you are reading this, you likely do not fall into this category as you are wanting to find ways to make your forties fabulous right. So lets move on.
**There is the Coming Out Person. You are likely the person that wants the big TO DO! A party to let everyone know you are 40 and fierce. Or maybe just a reason to reconnect with friends and family that you “have been meaning to catch up with” but for some reason, never find the time to see. If you haven’t guessed already, this is me!
**The Low Key Person – You are excited to turn 40 but not quite sure that you want to be singing from the mountaintop! You want to do something special but maybe not all the fuss.
Well no matter which category that you are in, I have some fantabulous ideas of how to celebrate your birthday! I believe it is best to use this list to get your creative juices flowing to make a list of your own that best fits your personality and approach to turning 40!
15 Fabulous Ways To Celebrate Your Birthday!
- Have a party! If you like to have control, throw it yourself. Invite people from your past. Create an amazing party theme! Or let someone else plan it and just sit back and enjoy!
- Go on a trip. Try solo, or with friends, or with family! Or do a little bit of everything!
- Have a spa day! Get yourself all did up GUILT FREE. Maybe just a massage to destress and refresh! Just Treat Yo’Self!
- Go to a movie…ALL BY YOUR SELF! Get the snacks that you always want but won’t splurge on.
- Visit with various friends and family that you have been meaning to catch up with.
- Find an event around town that would be fun and different and go. Look into a concert, a comedy show, a musical, festival, gala. Whatever floats your boat!
- Find some time to reflect! What have you done that you are proud of? What do you still want to accomplish?
- Do something that is on your bucket list! No time but the present!
- Go out to eat! Do you have an all time favorite restaurant? Is there a killer place that you have been dying to try out?
- Get your sing on with some Karaoke! What can I say, the singer in me couldn’t resist!
- Do something that you enjoyed doing when you were younger and relive your youth! Did you spend every Friday night at the roller skating rink or bowling alley? Why not relive your glory days? Make sure to dress the part too.
- Cant afford a trip, why not have a sleepover? Maybe pull out the old games. Play a little light as a fetather, stiff as a board, Truth or Dare!
- Help out someone else in need! Why not volunteer somewhere and start your forties out on a positive note? This can be humbling and rewarding!
- Try your luck at a local casino or race track! Place a bet based on your birthdate!
- Get your learn on! Take a local class, art, painting, dancing, cooking. There are so many options these days.
What Now?
Once you have your list, pick and choose what to do as you see fit. You can make it your actual birth day, birth week, birth month or hell even your birth year celebration! DO IT ALL!! I know I plan to therefore I will need the WHOLE year!
Ultimately, you gotta be true to you and celebrate with what works for you. I do believe you should maybe just push the boundaries just a bit. After all, you only turn 40 once, so make it count!

What a great list. I wish I had found this when I was turning 40. I’m getting closer to 50 though and this list will do me fine for that bid milestone as well.
Thank you! You could definitely use it for your 50th, heck, even your 49th. I find that people just get stuck thinking of what to do and always end up doing the same things because they need a spark to help. (at least for me). And there is nothing wrong with doing the same thing either, but every once in a while, we all want something a little special! Hope you have a spectacular 50th whenever that does come along!
I love this and agree completely! I have come to say that as I get older, I just get better and use more hair coloring. Like you, I am making a new concerted effort at making the most out of life!