Year of Forty!l
Does this sound like your current situation? During the week you head into work after getting the kids off to school, put in your 8-12 hours, fight the traffic to get home at a decent time for dinner, spend the little bit of time you have left catching up on your DVR that has accumulated a sufficient amount of shows that you will NEVER be able to watch, check out your social media accounts just before falling asleep, and then wake up and do it all over again. Now comes the weekend. WOHOO! Except, you realize that you have at least 4 loads of laundry to do, the house looks…
“Theming In” Your New Birth Year
New Years eve isn’t the only time you can “Ring in the New Year”! Why not do it for your birthday? And I am not talking about how you celebrate your birthday. Although, not going to lie, champagne, party spinners, gold, black and silver decorations and the swankiest food sounds pretty fabulous! But I digress. I am referring to how you APPROACH this #yearofforty for its duration. (Or any birth year for that matter). Just before New Year’s we make resolutions and set goals for the year. Why not just apply that concept to your celebration of another year of life. But snazz it up a bit. I mean this…