About Me
This girl is eagerly awaiting my ascent, (or decent, depending on how you look at your cup) into my Forties! I feel fortunate for the life I’ve had over the past 40 years.

I grew up with a large extended family with people always around so I really do not know how to not have a million things going on. As the middle sibling, I developed a bit of the mid-kid syndrome in that sarcasm and humor is my way of coping with most life situations.
In my former life, I did quite a bit of travel. After I studied abroad, I got the bug. I backpacked through Europe and became a travel agent for a few years. My path changed when I started a family but I am determined to get back to travel.
I currently live the suburban dream with my hunk-a-hunk-a older hubby (really it’s just 7 years older) and 2 children, ages 6 and 8. I work my full time day job and then dabble with my 2 side hustles.
Now What?
As I reflect on the first half of my life I feel grateful. But also like I am just a back seat passenger going through the motions. I want to change that. I feel destined for more and now I am ready. Ready to experience life in the driver’s seat. Ready to live my most fabulous and best life!
This blog will be the platform for living Fabulously after 40. Upgrading to the life we want and deserve through what makes us happy. For me this will involve travel, spending time with those that are important, musicals (yes, there are always musicals) and just more intentional living all around! So these will be the things I will be sharing.
For anyone that feels the same way and wants to make the rest of their life, the best of their life, I welcome you to join me in this journey.