
10 Must-See Musical Movies

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Did you have tickets for a musical you were excited to see but now find yourself disappointed because that show is no longer coming to a theater near you? I know I am but I’m not going to let that keep this girl down. Check out how to turn it around by taking the time to watch some of the very best musical movies. Below you will find my top 10 MUST SEE MUSICAL MOVIES to watch while you are held up at home! 

Here is the scenario…..

As I write this, I should be sitting in a beautiful theater watching one of my very favorite musicals with my bestest friend. 

But, just like that, with the shut down of public entertainment, my opportunity to watch a musical that I could truly enjoy was gone. Instead, I am sitting at home in my PJs watching anything musical-ly (sure that is a word 😝) that I can find. 

In an effort not to have a big ole pity party for myself,  I decided that if I can’t take my sweet patootie to see the musical I waited all season for, then I will bring it to me and watch the movie instead. 

As I made this decision, I started thinking since I am going to be home for a long period of time now, why not binge watch some of the classics to get my fix!

Additionally, every time I hear a song and my kids ask, “What is that from?“, I say “I am really failing you“.   By the time I was their age, I was very familiar with the sights and sounds of some of my very favorite movies. 

All the more reason to binge watch some movie musicals! There is no better time to turn my kids on to what I loved growing up and get my kids hip to all the goodies. And possibly introduce myself to some shows I have never seen before. Luckily, most of these movies are appropriate for the whole family. 

So Here Goes:

1. Jesus Christ Superstar

Honestly, this musical is one where I prefer the movie to the stage performance. It tells the story to of the days leading up to the crucifixion of Jesus to the tune of a rock opera. The songs, the story and performances are so well done.

We grew up with this in our home and it became an Easter Sunday tradition. I have many fond memories singing at the top of my lungs with family wherever I could; at home with my sisters and parents,  at my cousins’ fraternity house, at family parties and more.  We introduced MANY a friend to this show and at a pretty early age.

I remember having to ask my mom all sorts of questions since I take everything literal and symbolism was never my strong suit! But it probably taught me the most about these stories. 

2. West Side Story 

All I have to say is get your tissues ready for this “modernized” Romeo and Juliet story.  We learn the story of Maria and Tony who fall in love during a time of heightened tensions between their clashing worlds.

This is one of the first musicals I watched growing up. I recently rewatched it and I won’t lie, it was a little cheesy, but, it did not stop me from crying like a baby! Maybe that is because of my background. Or maybe it is because it makes me think about what it may have been like on some level for my dad and his family growing up. Or most likely it is because it is hard to believe that the world could be so ugly. Either way, I truly connected to this movie. And every twist and turn both saddened and angered me. 

3. Grease 

How can you not love this tale of bad boy meets goody-goody girl! From two different worlds and dealing with pressures from their high school peers. In addition to the story being so likable, the songs are catchy and John Travolta is hubba-hubba, thus making it hard to dislike. 

This show is a family favorite. As a kid my rather large extended family sang We Go Together at our family talent Show. Family gatherings often involved movie quotes and bursting out into songs because this movie is just so fun all around. 

4. Fiddler on the Roof 

This one is a tearjerker. It pulls on your heart strings! The movie tells the tale of a Jewish family in a small village. It focuses on the traditions that they try to keep in a ever changing landscape all while under Russian rule. This movie provides wonderful songs, an intense story, and fantastic performances. 

These are the types of movies that open your world view as a child. I remember thinking ‘How could people treat others like this just because of who they are. How could you abandon your family?” It truly makes you think!  

As a very tiny tyke, my mom would put babushkas on us and we would run around the house dancing to the album. I had no idea at the time but my mom was losing her hair because she was sick. We just wanted to be like her, so she put them on us and we thought we were part of the show.

5. Bye Bye Birdie

This is just a lighthearted movie with a bunch of fun songs and some really cute dance numbers. Here is the story: teenage heartthrob, Conrad Birdie, is called to join the war efforts. Before he leaves, he will be giving his final performance, One Last Kiss, to a member of his fan club. The movie is not really about Birdie as much as it is about how his presence effects the other easy to love characters. Not only are they easy to love characters but the cast is remarkable, which includes Ann-Margaret and Dick Van Dyke.

I really feel like I am in the 1950’s when I watch this so it is easy to get lost in regardless of it’s campy-ness.  I recently introduced this to my daughter and she really enjoyed it. And my best friends 4 year old LOVES it.

6. Newsies

Now this was the way to teach history to a 12 year old me! While I watched as young Christian Bale and tons of other boys ran around singing and dancing, I would have never realized I was learning about parts of history that I would actually become interested in learning more about.  Just saying, put a bunch of cute teenage boys in a movie about any historical topic and you have people learning!

This show is based on the Newsboy strike of 1899. We see their story brought to life through Disney’s lens and set to music and dance.

When this movie came to video, we had weekend Newsies marathons for at LEAST a year where we learned every dance move, every song and every line! And the great Ann-Margaret makes another appearance in this movie!

7. Seven Brides For Seven Brothers 

The oldest of seven brothers finds a woman in town to marry and bring back to the mountain where his brothers all live.  She teaches them proper etiquette, manners and how to court a girl. After meeting the women of thier dreams, they become lovesick and decide to kidnap the girls. Then we watch as they are stranded together on the mountain. 

Growing up I absolutely loved this show as a kid and I don’t know what it is specifically that drew me to it! The songs and dancing were so engaging and the story was silly enough to enjoy.  

8. The Greatest Showman

A story of PT Barnum’s rise to fame and success and how far he is willing to go to be accepted and part of a world he was not born into. The story is not his alone but also belongs to the people who made part of his world both in and out of the world of the circus. The struggles that they all went to to create the Greatest Show!

Since I only recently watched this movie so it is a surprise to me that I liked it after everyone raved about it for so long. I kept my expectations low and much to my surprise, I just loved it. I thought this was going to be a boring show about a circus owner, but, it turns out the story is very compelling. Seeing how people who are different can be treated is horrifying! Watching people overcome those obstacles is empowering. This show ultimately helps to celebrate the differences.

The songs are so touching and this soundtrack is absolutely amazing! It is a household favorite with even my husband getting in on the signing action for this one!

9. Little Shop of Horrors

Feed me Seymour! Nerdy Seymour (Rick Moranis) finds a rare plant that ends up making him famous. Problem is, this plant feeds on blood to grow! What is poor Seymour to do? You have to see this quirky film to find out.

Not gonna lie, this movie may have scared me a bit as a kid but I still watched it, A lot! I mean who doesn’t want to see Rick Moranis nerd out with a creepy blood sucking plant?

10. Rent

Warning: This is one show in my top 10 that has content that may be more appropriate for a more mature or older set of kids. Themes of sexuality and addiction are prevalent.

This musical is a very touching story that deals with struggling young artists in New York and the issues and fears that are faced with such as addiction, poverty and disease and death.

The show is a rock opera that has some of the most powerful songs I have heard. It is a must see for sure.


Here are some others that just missed making my list: The Sound of Music, The Music Man, Moulin Rouge, The Wiz and Hairspray. Honestly, I could go on and on. 😍

Why Musicals?

As you can tell, I have personal connection to each of these movies! Whether it is the story and how I can relate to it, or the memories I have attached to them.

That is what is wonderful about musicals, the music makes the story and memories live on! I can play the soundtrack and remember who I watched the movie with and how I felt.

Or I can play a soundtrack to further understand the story at a later time.

Or I can listen to the soundtrack with loved ones and further my connection to the story when I watch the movie!



  • Stephanie

    Some of these I have seen, some I have not, and one or two I have never heard of. This is a fun list and I just may have to show my kids a few of these. Thanks!

  • Charlene

    Great list! We have a lot in common. Many of these I have already re-watched during this break. I would love to hear your thoughts on the stage vs. movie debate on some of these!

    • admin

      I have been debating making some posts regarding these.
      I don’t care for the stage production of Grease or West Side Story. Hairspray was surprisingly really good. And Jesus Christ Superstar the movie just wins by a hair. I think the stage production of Rent is better than the movie.

    • admin

      Yes. The movie was done well. I usually forget about that show because although I do like Fosse, that particular show is not one of my favorites. 😊

  • Debbi H

    I love musicals! Newsies is one of our favorites. Have you ever seen Guys and Dolls (the one with Marlon Brando, Frank Sinatra and Jean Simmons)? A definite favorite!

  • Kareena

    Oh my goodness! This brings back so many memories! I LOVE Little Shop of Horrors! Can you believe I’ve never seen Grease?? Jesus Christ Superstar, that sounds interesting. Thanks for sharing.

  • Joy

    Oh Grease! I probably watched that a thousand times as a kid. Then when I wanted to reconnect to those warm fuzzy feelings and watch with my husband who had never seen it, he did not view it in the same manner and it was super disappointing. Oh well. I want to watch Rent with him. Maybe he will like that one! Love this list and the nostalgic memories it sparks!

    • Mo Q.

      I have never seen 7 Brides for 7 brothers. I agree with some of your list but I would take out Newsies, Bye Bye Birdie, and probably Little Shop (love it but it doesn’t make my top 10).
      I would have to add:
      Guys and Dolls- When I was a little girl I was in love with A young Brando and Sinatra.
      Annie- All the songs. How many times have I belted out tomorrow?
      Wizard if OZ- I know you gave this an honorable mention but this is my movie! Reminds me of my grandma as we would watch around thanksgiving.
      Rocky Horror- This was a movie I knew the soundtrack looooong before I was allowed to watch the movie. My mom would let us watch the opening scene and that was it. In our old big van you could bet a very young Mo was singing tou-tou-tou-tou-tou-touch me with no understanding of what it meant.
      Sound of Music- This would make 11 but I feel the need to squeeze this in.

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